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Friday, August 25, 2017

Best in Show: Clingy Foes (Pt. II of II)

Obsessed Poster
4. Obsessed Beyoncé in a horror movie? Yes. Before the bat-swinging vengeful Beyoncé of Lemonade, she was playing the equally vengeful mother and wife of a man who attacks the unwanted attention of stalker Lisa, played by the especially starling Ali Larter. This movie is entertaining purely based on the insanity of Lisa and the eventual melodramatic confrontation between Beyoncé's Sharon and her. This movie isn't scary, but it is fun. Idris Elba's Derek is perfect in his role as the trapped victim of Lisa's games. Whether at work or on a trip, he can't escape her.

Misery Poster
3. Misery
In perhaps one of the most iconic obsession films, the Stephen King original finds Kathy Bates in one of her biggest roles. As an obsessed reader and self-proclaimed "number one fan" of fictional author Paul Sheldon, Bates' Annie is a terrifying control freak and stalker. So obsessed with the writer that she attempts to keep him for herself, Annie forged the way for future characters like hers. From spoofs to music videos, Misery left a lasting mark on pop culture. Misery is a dreary film that finds chaos in fandoms. It’s the type of film that is especially poignant in today's celebrity-obsessed culture where fans, "stans" and trolls engross themselves and harass famous people as if they're their best friends or their worst enemy. In fact, Misery now, feels ahead of its time.

2. The Gift
Entering this film with little outside knowledge of it is the best way to become fully enveloped in the twisting plot of The Gift. Deeply unsettling and grossly underrated, The Gift follows the arrival of a mysterious man from a husband's past as he interjects himself in the couple's lives. All isn't as it seems though, and by the movie's climax, this obsession story featuring gifts left on doorsteps becomes an engulfing experience that'll leave you stunned. Without saying more, as not to give away all this film holds, The Gift is a troubling must-see.
Orphan Poster
1. Orphan
In terms of commitment, nothing will ever reach the levels of insanity that is Esther from Orphan. By far one of the most legendary movies to come out of modern horror, the film's infamous twist paired with compelling performances by horror maven Vera Farmiga and up-and-comer Isabelle Fuhrman made audiences shriek. Orphan is one of those movies that "goes there;" completely unafraid of what its reception would be. Esther's obsession with the father, and well, her past fathers, is next level. The film's finale reveal brings on major creep vibes and whether you think you're a clingy person or not, chances are you'll realize you're not that level of obsessed. While movies like it have come before and will surely follow, Orphan deserves this spot of infamy.

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